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About us

Updated on Sep 19, 2018 04:05 AM by SchoolSpeak, Support

About Us

A company created with community in mind.

Our company began, in community with parents and educators, as an initiative to reduce paper used in schools while making school communication more efficient and engaging. Along our journey, we noticed that quite a few solutions PreK-12 schools were using, had been designed strictly for high schools or universities and did not meet the needs felt by pre, elementary or middle schools.

A collective light-bulb went off, and SchoolSpeak was born. An adaptive, tailored solution that brings all web services PreK-12 schools use, under one roof. As an ever-evolving school solution, we believe listening and adapting with our schools allows us to not only build and present new solutions, but also keeps us deeply rooted in the community we wake up every day to serve. Say goodbye to inefficient paper processes, confusing contracts, and disconnected data. Schoolspeak, now part of the Community Brands family, leverages the size and resources of a large company - while tailoring our service and expertise like only an industry-expert can.

Want to learn more about how SchoolSpeak can help your school? Be sure to speak with a School Expert today!

SchoolSpeak is now part of Community Brands, the leading provider of cloud-based software to associations, nonprofits, faith-based groups, and K-12 schools. Organizations adopt Community Brands solutions to manage memberships, career centers, learning, accounting, fundraising, donations, admissions, enrollment and events.


“Total Solution for the School Community”


“To be one of the leading technology solutions providers of a superior school management system that collaborates all related solutions under one system, which focuses on communication, is simple and intuitive to use, increases parental involvement and helps schools go green.”