Policy Handbook View

Introduction & Explanation

Posted on Aug 11, 2023 12:06 PM by Dietsche, Sue


Upon enrolling a child in Bloomington Living Hope Lutheran School (BLH), parents / guardians are to acknowledge they have read and subscribe to the rules, policies, and procedures stated in this handbook. If there are questions regarding any of the school’s rules, policies, and procedures as stated or not stated herein, parents / guardians are encouraged to bring questions to the principal, or the Board of Education.

Our earnest desire is that this handbook sets forth the rules, policies, and procedures of the school clearly and thus leads to even greater mutual understanding and collaboration between parents / guardians and teachers, who partner to give the Lord’s children a high quality, well-rounded Christian education.


Bloomington Living Hope (BLH) may introduce new rules, policies, and procedures, or modify existing ones, at its sole discretion, at any time without advance notice, and reserve the right to interpretation of its policies.


The relationship between the family and the school is crucial for a student to be successful. For this reason, if there is a breakdown in the relationship between a family and the school, it is a disservice to the student(s), family, and the school as a whole for the student(s) to continue at the school. In this situation, the student(s) of the family may be dismissed.


Philosophy: BLH exists to partner with parents / caregivers to instruct children in the knowledge of Jesus as their living Savior, to educate them in academics, to support them in living their lives for Christ, and to encourage them in the various vocations to which our Lord calls them.

Mission statement: Educating for life and for eternity

Slogan: Come soar with the Eagles!


Our primary objective is for our students to Know Christ and Make Christ Known.

To accomplish this, Bloomington Living Hope extends its ministry through Bloomington Living Hope Lutheran School (BLH). BLH congregation and school carries out our Savior’s commands to "...go and make disciples of all nations…teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you" (Matt. 28:19-20 NIV) and "Feed my lambs" (John 21:15 NIV).

The Word of God is taught throughout our whole curriculum. God’s Word is the basis for our motivation to learn and guides us in living a God-pleasing life. The apostle Paul reminds believers of the importance of learning the Word of God from an early age, "From infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus" (2 Tim. 3:15 NIV). It is for these reasons BLH educates the whole child - spiritual, academic, physical, social, and emotional.