Policy Handbook View

Health, Safety and Security

Updated on Oct 11, 2023 10:20 PM by Dietsche, Sue


“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own, you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.” I Corinthians 6: 19-20

Bloomington Living Hope mission includes the physical wellbeing of our students. As God’s Word tells us to honor him with our bodies, the following policy outlines how BLH nurtures the physical wellbeing of its students.


  • All hot lunch meals are provided through a food vendor and maintain a healthy balance as required.

  • Carbonated beverages may only be offered on special occasions.

  • Do not send your child to school with any specialty drinks.

  • Milk is provided for the students only with the Hot Lunch program.

  • Students will have ample opportunities to receive drinks of water throughout a school day.

  • A snack time will be provided to all students; the snack is encouraged to be healthy.

  • Students are encouraged not to share food or drinks so as not to spread possible illness.

  • All students are welcome to bring birthday treats to celebrate their special day.

  • Unpaid Meal Charges Policy


  • All students are provided with recess time and encouraged to be active during their time away from the classroom.

  • BLH’s Phy. Ed. curriculum motivates students to be active through movement, not necessarily sport.

  • Teachers educate students on the benefits of living a healthy lifestyle through the science and religion curriculums.

  • All students are provided adequate time to eat during their lunch periods.


Absences must be reported to the school to be considered an excused absence. Report your child's absence each day your child is ill by calling or emailing the school’s office. Please report your child’s name, teacher or grade and the reason for the absence. If your child is ill, report the symptoms and/or any diagnosed communicable condition.

Please contact the school Health Office prior to your child’s returning to school if there is any injury or illness that will require modifications to the school day.

If your child requires medication to be given at school upon their return, please follow the medication guidelines of your school.


BLH is committed to providing safe, secure campuses. Following are entrance procedures to campuses:

  • All campus doors will remain locked during school hours, including the LH doors between the church and the school.

  • Parents, friends, and visitors will press the button of the video / audio system.

  • Office staff greets the visitor and, if the person is not recognized, will inquire as to the visitor’s identity and purpose.

  • If the visitor is recognized, office staff will buzz her/him into the building. The visitor will then proceed to the school office to sign in and to obtain a visitor’s badge. Visitors will sign out at the school office before leaving.

  • If the visitor is not recognized, the office staff will greet her/him at the door to further identify the visitor’s purpose. If there is suspicious behavior, staff will call 9-1-1.

Students, parents, and visitors will leave answering the phones and the doors to office staff or teachers. Students are not to open the door for visitors, and should report those they do not recognize to the office or to teachers.

Several doors to rooms that may contain hazardous items at both campuses are marked with red signs indicating that they are to remain locked during school hours or when they are unattended. These include the kitchens, copier / workrooms, nurse office(s) and maintenance closets. Teachers are to monitor these doors throughout the school day. The principal will inform parent volunteers, lunch staff, and school support staff of the importance of keeping these doors locked. (08.15.18)

Refer to the BLH School Emergency Plan for additional details on campus safety and security. BLH complies with all annual emergency drills required by MN law (1 tornado, 5 lockdown, 5 fire drills).


      Emergency Contact Information

At the beginning of each school year, parents / caregivers need to provide BLH with current medical, home, and work phone numbers. Parents /caregivers must also designate who (relative, neighbor, or friend) will provide care for their child in case of accident or illness when parents cannot be reached. It is the responsibility of parents / caregivers to inform the school in writing of any change of emergency numbers during the school year. Parents / caregivers must also report to the school when a child has a health problem which might result in a medical emergency (e.g. severe allergies, asthma, epilepsy).

      Response to Injury or Illness

Teachers and staff receive training in adult and infant CPR, first aid, and AED use; however, teachers and staff are not emergency care professionals. Every possible action will be taken to protect the life, health, and safety of the ill or injured student. The responsibility of the school is limited to first aid and getting the injured or ill person proper professional medical care as soon as possible.

BLH enacts the following procedures in the event of illness or injury:

1. Minor accidents are reported to the parents / caregivers by phone, email, or a note sent home with the student.

2. In the event that an illness or accident prevents the student from remaining at school, parents / caregivers will be contacted immediately by phone either at home or at work.

3. The child’s emergency contacts may be asked to care for the student in the event that the parents / caregivers cannot be reached immediately.

4. BLH reserves the right to contact the physician(s) listed on the emergency information form should it become necessary.

5. In a serious injury or life-threatening emergency, school personnel will call 9-1-1. Emergency professionals will then determine whether the student needs to be transported by ambulance to the hospital or whether it is safe for the parents / caregivers to transport the child.

      Accident Reports

Should an accident or injury occur on school grounds, the teacher or staff member who witnessed or to whom the accident or injury was reported will complete a written accident report form. One copy will be given to the principal and another copy filed in the child’s cumulative folder. Such reports may include digital photos of the injury. Parents / caregivers are to be informed verbally, in writing, or both of the accident or injury.

      Accident Insurance

BLH has a limited supplemental insurance program. All claims resulting from school accidents should be brought to the attention of the principal, who will then refer the case to the insurance company, to determine whether coverage is available.


The State of Minnesota has, by law, mandated that all professionals engaged in the practice of education, social services, nursing, medicine, law enforcement, and school administration, which have knowledge of, or reasonable cause to believe a child is being neglected or physically or sexually abused, shall immediately report such information to appropriate authorities. Thus, BLH teachers, staff, and administration must by law report any and all cases of suspected abuse or neglect to Child Protective Services and/or law enforcement. https://edocs.dhs.state.mn.us/lfserver/Public/DHS-2917-ENG

The law establishes procedures for reporting, penalties for not reporting in good faith, and immunity provided by law for those individuals who are required to report. Verbal reports must be followed by a written report within 72 hours. Although teachers and staff have the legal obligation as primary reporters, the principal should also be informed of any concerns or reports.

It is the prayer of the BLH Family that through this process, children are protected and families receive the support needed to live together and cope with life’s challenges.


Once they are on school grounds and under the care of teachers and staff, students are not allowed to leave the school grounds, including visiting nearby businesses and/or the shopping center. This means before school, during school, or after school before they leave for home and enter the care of their parents / caregivers. Students who leave the school grounds are subject to school discipline, which may include in-school suspension, off-campus suspension, or in cases of repeated infractions may involve expulsion. If a child cannot be located, faculty / staff will immediately contact law enforcement.


No student shall sell, possess, purchase, or use any illegal type of drug, prescription drug, alcohol, tobacco, firearm, sharp weapon, explosive device, or material with inappropriate sexual content, on or within 100 yards of school property. Further, no student shall engage in acts or threats of violence toward her/ himself, another child, faculty, staff, or volunteers.

The principal and/or Board of Education retain the right to act swiftly in the best interests of the safety and security of BLH in regard to any items or actions deemed as actively or potentially harmful. If any student is found in violation of this policy, he/she will be immediately suspended from school until the Board of Education can meet to review the case and take appropriate action, which may include expulsion. If appropriate, law enforcement will be notified. Students may be expelled without warning by the Board of Education for any involvement with illegal or dangerous actions or items at Bloomington Living Hope Lutheran School.