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End of year report card reminders

Updated on Apr 11, 2022 12:47 PM by Schoolspeak, Support003
 Verify Promotion grade level is correct
Check the promotion grade level in the report card
- Go to Report card in a grade group and click on settings
- Click Configure this template and then locate the promoted to field. 
- Verify it is correct
- Repeat for all classes
Is promotion option enabled?
Some report card templates have the option to have the promotion section hidden. If you do not see it on the report card preview, follow these steps:
- Go to the report  card in a grade group and click on settings
- Click Configure this template
- Locate the promotion option (do a search on the page using your browser search option)
- Verify that it is checked
Indicate the student was promoted
1n the report card there is a section called Final Term.
1. Click on EDIT across from Final Term
2. For student's status - click into the box next tot he student's name
3. Choose the appropriate status (for example Promoted)
4. You may also do this for whole class