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Using Score Codes

Posted on Apr 01, 2021 10:34 AM by Schoolspeak, Support003

What is a score code?

A score code is a letter or group of letters that may be used in a gradebook in lieu of an achievement score. The score code may be given a value that can be used in a grade calculation or may be considered a place holder with no value.

Text Box: Score code M indicates a missing assignment

Sample set of score codes

*Note – A blank in the assignment score column means that there is no impact on final score calculation.

Field Name


Score Codes

Letter or set of letters that may be added to the assignment score column instead of a grade


Description of the code

Percentage of Max Assignment Score

“Value” of the score code. Options include

- “Blank” – Does not affect grade calculation

- 0 - Code is counted as a 0 in the grade calculation

- ## - a percentage may be entered, for example may enter 50% and would count as 50% of total points of assignment

Show Count

Displays how many times the score code is used

Email notification

If YES, when the score code is entered into an assignment when the teacher clicks save or save/publish an email is sent to student’s parents.

How to find your gradebook’s score codes:

1. In your gradebook, click Settings

2. Locate Edit Score Codes and click on item

Where do available score code options come from?

Score codes are typically created/modified by the school or teachers depending on how your SchoolSpeak was setup. SchoolSpeak Support recommends checking with your school administration before adding/modifying your gradebooks.

How to use a score code instead of a score/percentage:

1. Open a gradebook

2. Add a new assignment

a. Click add new assignment

b. Enter date

c. Enter assignment name

d. Choose the category

e. Add the assignment total points

3. If a student should have a score code, enter the appropriate score code in the assignment column

4. Click save and/or publish

5. Once the assignment is saved, an email will be sent to parents if the code is enabled to send an email notification.

How to use a score code to indicate assignment status (Submitted/Missing)

Sometimes teachers want to indicate that an assignment has been submitted/not submitted and not provide a ‘score’.

1. Open a gradebook

2. Add a new assignment

a. Click add new assignment

b. Enter date

c. Enter assignment name

d. Choose the category

e. Add the assignment total points*

*When a teacher only plans to use score codes and not actual points, a total point value must still be provided. For example the point value may be 1. If the score code is set to not be counted, the provided total point value will not affect the total grade calculation.

3. If a student should have a score code, enter the appropriate score code in the assignment column

4. Click save and/or publish

5. Once the assignment is saved, an email will be sent if the score code is enabled to send an email notification.

How does a score code appear on a progress report? (Progress report must be configured to include points)

In the sample below, M = Missing Assignment and has the value of 0.

Text Box: Value assigned to M in this gradebook

Text Box: Comment noting missing assignment

Sample of email sent to parents (if enabled for score code)