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NCEA Reporting in SchoolSpeak

Updated on Sep 14, 2016 06:57 AM by Schoolspeak, Support003
SchoolSpeak's NCEA Reporting Tool
Using SchoolSpeak's NCEA report tool makes generating the NCEA report simple and easy. Utilizing data already stored within the student and staff profiles, the report tool can automatically calculate the key fields. Administrators can easily input the school specific demographic information into a simple interfaceAnd then with a single click - administrators can create a final NCEA report in a CSV format, a PDF file or submit directly to a SchoolSpeak implemented diocese.
But what happens if your school does not have the fields in the profile - the SchoolSpeak NCEA Report tool can help to you automatically generate the fields within your account. Once the fields are set, you may either update the profiles manually or update all of the records at one time using a spreadsheet application like Excel or Numbers.  Our Batch Member Update tool will help you to update all of the student records at one time!
NCEA Report Webinar Slides - Review the slides from this webinar as you navigate the NCEA process. We have included some helpful hints to  help you along the way.
NCEA Report Video - Follow along step by step as we setup and create a NCEA report in SchoolSpeak.
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